Edgeley Zen Group

Starting 6th September 2021 - the Edgeley Zen Group. Drop-in meeting on 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, 7.30pm - 9pm. In Aspirit gift shop, 67 Castle Street, Edgeley. £5 to cover costs. 

Training in Zen meditation coming to us from the Japanese and American Zen traditions. Zen is the art and practice of seeing ourselves and the world as deeply interconnected. Through meditation and practices which lessen our sense of separation, we experience the wholeness of life - we are all one, without losing our uniqueness too. 

The group will be open and welcoming to people with any experience or none, from any spiritual background or religion. We follow an approach to Zen training in interfaith circles developed by the late Bernie Glassman, pioneer of socially engaged Buddhism. Each week there will be training in meditation, and relaxed discussion of Zen writings.

For further information email Chris at willowtreeblues@gmail.com
